Friday, February 22, 2008

Oscars 2008

So it is that time of year again, when some of the finest films to have come out in the industry are honored by the academy. As you can probably guess, the subject matter of this post will revolve around just whom I believe will take home the statues this year. It should be noted that unlike like past ceremonies....many of the nominated films are really deserving of the award (no Crash or The Departed incident this year)...although the fact that Norbit was even mentioned....makes me a little ill. So without further picks for the Oscars this year.

*Note: this will go from least to most important, with explanations to follow the more important well as a distinction between what I believe will win and what I want to win (unless they are the one in the same). I will also skip categories where it would simply be a guess with no real founding.

Visual Effects
Should Win: Pirates of the Caribbean
Will Win: Pirates of the Caribbean
Not a fan of any of the films to be honest (all felt rather mechanical and lacking of heart), but at the very least the effects in Pirates did not feel overbearing and tiresome throughout the film. Unlike the other two, the effects in Pirates felt balanced and well used.

Sound Mixing
Should Win: No Country For Old Men
Will Win: No Country For Old Men
One should get used to hearing this movie throughout the night, as it will be the big winner..but on to this specific award. The sound editing in this film was perfect for each scene and very much was the reason for causing the great amount of tension throughout the film. It was subtle, yet terrifying....just what more can one ask for?

Should Win: Pirates of the Caribbean
Will Win: Pirates of the Caribbean
Once again, I did not like the film, but it still did look rather beautiful.

Music Song
Should Win: "Falling Slowly" from Once
Will Win: "Falling Slowly" from Once
This one will be fairly easy, as in all likely hood the three nominations for Enchanted will most likely null its competition. However, even if it were not the case...the presentation and actual song are more than worthy of taking home the prize.

Music (Score)
Should (have been nominated) Win: There Will Be Blood
Will Win: Atonement
Alright...this was one of the larger snubs for this ceremony. The score for the film was perfect for it and the finest I've heard in a film, but cannot do anything about it. The score in Atonement is pretty fantastic, as there is some consolation I guess.

Film Editing
Should Win: There Will Be Blood or No Country for Old Men
Will Win: No Country for Old Men
A difficult both are more than deserving of the award. At the end of the day it really depends on personal opinion, but I feel that it will go to No Country by default.

Should Win: Atonement
Will Win: Atonement
All the nominated films do a fantastic job in this category and I wish each could simply share the award, but Atonement was just that much better. this award was won with the beautiful shot at Dunkirk.

Animated Feature
Should Win: Ratatouille
Will Win: Ratatouille
When there are high profile critics saying this should have been nominated for best picture, much less best animated....that's saying a lot.

Actor in a Supporting Role
Should Win: Javier Bardem
Will Win: Javier Bardem
No contest. He has won every award up until this point and really deserves all then attention he is receiving. He simply played one of the finest characters to be on screen in recent memory.

Actress in a Supporting Role
Should Win: Cate Blanchett
Will Win: Cate Blanchett
A difficult category with many possibilities, as all (aside from Ronan) have been recognized in previous award ceremonies. It is considered by many to be the most difficult category to determine, but due to the fact that Blanchett did a phenomenal job as one of America's living icons...I believe there will be an award for her.

Actress in a Leading Role
Should Win: Ellen Page
Will Win: Julie Christie
I would love to see Page win this if only because her character could have come off as annoying and snobbish in Juno; however, instead, it was heartfelt and endearing. I say Christie will win because she has received quite a bit of preshow attention in prior award ceremonies.

Actor in a Lead Role
Should Win: Daniel Day-Lewis
Will Win: Daniel Day-Lewis
he has won every show prior to this and clearly deserves this for his volcanic, cosmic, terrifying, etc (cannot really describe in words) presentation of Daniel Plainview. He left me shaken after the film and justly deserves the award.

Best Adapted Screenplay
Should Win: No Country for Old Men
Will Win: No Country for Old Men
As, much as I loved There Will Be was a rather poor adaptation of Oil! (not a bad thing as it has become one of my favorite films). The Coens Brothers have done a job marvelous making an already amazing read into a breathtaking film. The fact that I was still sitting at the edge of my seat, even after reading the source material, shows how fine of a job they did with this film.

Best Original Screenplay
Should Win: Juno
Will Win: Juno
I sadly only saw two of these films (the others are on my to watch list), but I feel that this is where Juno will get rewarded...similar to Little Miss Sunshine last year (a really awesome consolation prize if you ask me).

Should Win: Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood)
Will Win: The Coen Brothers (No Country for Old Men)
Both (all for that matter) are fantastic films, but at the end of the day this seems to be destined with all the preshow buzz. Personally, I would love to see PTA win the award, but I feel that the film may have been a bit polarizing, which would lead some to blame the direction. The Coen Brothers have this award in the bag.

Best Picture
Should Win: There Will Be Blood
Will Win: No Country for Old Men
First...I want TWBB to win, but I do not believe it has a chance. I feel that TWBB is the finest American film to ahve come out since Mulholland Dr. (my #2 favorite film of all time)...but it is destined not to win for many reasons (did not make much money, very polarizing, very long and drawn out). This is not to say No Country does not deserve it, but it just did not have the lasting appeal of TWBB. I will not feel bad if No Country wins. The only other scenario I can see playing out is Juno or Atonement taking home the award because of "split vote" syndrome...and I would be very sad to see this happen, but in all honesty I cannot think of any reason why it should. No Country seems to be a universally loved (barring the controversial ending) film by both critics and the general populace. It has made a fair amount of revenue and has the finest cast in any film to come out in many years. In all it will be No Country for Old Men that takes home the best picture award on Oscar night.

So.....those are my predictions for the Oscars....none of which are to controversial, mainly due to the high caliber of nominated films tis year. Kudos to you academy; however, let me not a few snubs:

Zodiac (should have been nominated in all of the major categories, but came out to early in the year....sadly), Before the Devil knows You're Dead (director, supporting actor, actor-Hoffman), Rescue Dawn (actor-Bale), The Simpsons Movie (animation), There Will Be Blood (score!!!!, actor in supporting role- Dano), Sunshine (visual effects, sound editing), Enchanted (acting-Adams), Paprika (animation)


Link said...

Interesting predictions. Just a few comments.
-You don't like Pirates! Shame on you! jk...
-As much as I liked Ratatouille, I think it would really help the animation industry if Persepolis could pull a win. Its not my particular cup of tea(not that I don't like it, but just don't care for it), but its a 2d low budget animated film.
-Some other interesting notes I liked were you're nods to "Sunshine"(still want to see it), "Paprika"(The anime movie if I remember correctly) and Amy Adams in "Enchanted".
-Good predictions, sorry about "Zodiac" btw...

The Other Karamazov said...

Hahha....I really really liked the first Pirates movie, but kinda felt it should have ended with that movie. -I have yet to see Persepolis (not playing anywhere near me), but have read the graphic novel. If it is about half as good as that..then one would should expect a fantastic experience. I do agree that it would be good for the academy as well (looking forward to a return to 2d much as I love PIXAR)
-There were a few other snubs, but cannot really remember them.
-There were a few nominated films I wanted to see, but could not: Sweenie Todd (not a big fan of musicals...takes me out of the suspended disbelief...although wanted to give this one a shot), Michael Clayton, Away From Her, The Savages, and Assassination of Jessie James.

Link said...

You should see Sweeney Todd. That one is pretty good imo. Its kind of surprising how creepy and gory it can be amongst the whimsical songs and what not. Depp is really good in it. If Daniel-Day Lewis wasn't nominated I would say the Depp has a shot.

The Other Karamazov said...

Yea Daniel Day really is the Hellen Mirrian of this year in my opinion. I've heard that of all the people to pull the upset....Johnny Depp is the one who is going to do it
For that category specifically...I was really happy to see Viggo Moretson nominated (an astonishing performance)

Link said...

Some interesting wins so far tonight, eh?